Station #125 Construction
12/07/21: Construction Progress Update
Construction is about 110 days in. Most of the concrete work is complete, as well as rough in plumbing. Many of the interior and exterior walls are being constructed. This week we should begin to see framing of the exterior walls and electrical conduit. It is starting to look like a building!
10/08/21: Construction Progress Update
Construction is about 45 days underway for the new Station #125. If you drive by, you will see that most of the work so far is site work and concrete. Next week we should see plumbers on site for the rough in plumbing.
09/21/21: Drone Shot of Footings

01/05/21: New Station Coming in Midvale
Construction of a new building to replace Midvale Fire Station #125, currently located at 7683 S. Holden Street, begins Summer 2021.
The new station will be located at 655 W. Center Street and construction is anticipated to take 12-16 months.
The new station will include three bays and 10 dorm rooms. This will allow space for UFA to increase staffing as the community and call volume increases in future years.
Engine 125 will operate out of the current location until construction is complete.