Open Burning

Residential Open Burning
Residential open burning is the burning of clean yard waste, grass clippings, weeds, tree trimmings, etc.
- Salt Lake County: Residential open burning is not allowed.
- Utah County: Allowed by permit during open burn periods – See additional information at the bottom of the page.
Recreational Fires
The fire code allows residents to have small recreational fires at their residence. The fuel area cannot exceed 3ft diameter by 2ft in height. Burning is limited to dry, clean, natural materials……no garbage, plastics, rubber, oils or construction waste.
- Verify that it is a green burn day by checking the air quality forecast.
- Keep open fires 25 feet away from structures or combustible materials. Fires contained in an improved barbecue pits or portable outdoor fireplace require a minimum of 15 feet of clearance. LP or natural gas fire pits or grills require 10 feet of clearance.
- Have a method of extinguishment readily available. Keep a garden hose or bucket of water close by.
- Fires must be constantly attended until fully extinguished.
“Offensive, Objectionable, or Nuisance” fires are no longer required to be extinguished unless the fire is causing a hazardous situation. If all burning requirements are met and the fire is not causing a hazardous situation, the fire department does not have the authority to extinguish the fire.