Wildland Urban Interface
Winter and spring moisture result in rapid vegetation growth throughout the valley. But as summer temperatures rise, vegetation can dry out and becomes a wildfire risk. There are things you can do to minimize the threat to your home from wildfire. Be sure to maintain your property and landscaping using Firewise principals. This is especially important if you live along the wildland-urban interface…where the homes meet the wild.
- Keep weeds and grass cut. Most city and county codes prohibit grass and weeds in excess of six inches.
- Remove dead and dying vegetation, and dispose of it properly.
- Properly dispose of trash and debris. Items such as old construction materials, boxes and yard waste are fires waiting to happen.
- Stack firewood away from structures, fences or anything else that may be combustible.
If you live in an urban-interface area, consider these additional steps:
- Create at least a 30-ft. safety zone around your home.
- When possible, remove or thin the dead wood and the older trees beyond 100 feet from the house.
- Limit the use of flammable plants in landscape design. Choose fire resistant varieties.
- Limit the placement of plants next to structures, under eaves, overhangs, decks, etc.
- Keep landscaping manicured and watered.
- Plant trees and large shrubs in sparse, separate areas.
- Limit the use of trees and shrubs that have large volumes of foliage and branches.
- Minimize the use of plants that develop dry or dead undergrowth.
- Remove ladder fuels (plants that provide a link between the ground and tree limbs).
- Keep the roof, rain gutters and eaves clear of debris.