Plan Reviews

Code Compliance and Fire Protection System Plan Reviews
The review of civil site plans, architectural drawings and fire protection system submittals is a major responsibility of the Fire Prevention Bureau. Whether it is an expansion to an existing building, a new commercial building or residential subdivision, the bureau is involved in the plan review process and issuance of permits.
105.1.1 Permits required. Any property owner or authorized agent who intends to conduct an operation or business, or install or modify systems and equipment which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the fire code official and obtain the required permit.[International Fire Code]
Beginning work on a fire protection system prior to issuance of a permit and approved plans is done at the contractors own risk. No special allowances or accommodations will be granted.
Third Party Plan Review
In accordance with Section 104.7.2 of the International Fire Code, the Unified Fire Authority requires a “technical opinion and report” (peer review) of all plans for the installation and/or modification of an automatic fire protection system, installation and/or modification of fire alarm and detection systems and related equipment, fire pumps and related fuel tanks, jockey pumps, controllers and related equipment, installation, modification, or removal from service of a standpipe system.
Exceptions to required peer reviews:
- Installation of fire hydrants and underground fire protection supply lines.
- Pre-engineered kitchen hood suppression systems.
- Installation or relocation of less than 20 sprinkler heads.
- Installation or relocation of less than 5 alarm/notification appliances.