HazMat Program

Inspections Program
In order to better serve the health and safety needs of the community; the Unified Fire Authority has implemented a Hazardous Materials Inspection Program. The goal of the program is to bring the community into full compliance with all aspects of the hazardous materials requirements of International Fire Code. This process is accomplished through a rigorous business inspection program and distribution of a detailed permit application.
Businesses dealing with hazardous materials are faced with a number of local, state and federal reporting and regulatory requirements. It is our intent to deal specifically with those requirements that target the chemical and physical hazards that can negatively affect life and property. The information obtained by this program is critical to our firefighters when responding to emergencies at your place of business.
Permit Application
Operational permits are required if your business uses or stores hazardous materials. We respectfully request your participation as a business owner/operator in completing this important paperwork and forwarding it to our office in a timely manner. Permit applications should be completed and returned to the address listed below within thirty (30) days, along with the appropriate permit application fees. Any questions with regard to this application or the Hazardous Materials Permit Program in general should be referred to UFA Fire Prevention Bureau at 801-743-7246.
Thank you for your participation in this public safety program.