Urban Search & Rescue
About Urban Search & Rescue
A FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Task Force is a team of individuals which serve as a resource for disaster response at local, state, federal, and international levels. It is comprised mainly of firefighters but includes structural engineers, medical professionals, canine/handler teams and emergency managers with highly specialized training in urban search and rescue environments.
Utah Task Force 1 (UT-TF1) is one of 28 Type I, Federal Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Task Forces in the United States. This program brings a highly trained, multi-hazard Task Force that is especially designed to respond to a variety of emergencies/disasters including earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, terrorist acts and hazardous material releases. Fire department personnel that are task force members receive specialized training and skills that directly benefit UFA.
UT-TF1 has provided the required structural collapse technician training that UFA’s heavy rescue specialists must have to be considered Heavy Rescue Technicians. UT-TF1 continues to partner with UFA for Special Operations program development and to enhance the technical expertise of many personnel within the department.
Division Leader
Special Operations Division Chief / Program Manager
Bryan Case

FY22/23 Accomplishments
- Successful submission of FY2022 FEMA $1.26 million Cooperative Agreement Grant
- Awarded $50,000 grant from State of Utah DHS/DEM
- Completion of annual member readiness event involving all members
- Successful submit for reimbursement for all 2022 FEMA deployments
- Response to three national-level deployment events
- Enhanced relations with outside agencies
- Utah National Guard CERFP (CBRN Enhanced Response Force Packages)
- Utah Transit Authority
- State of Utah (DEM/SERT/EOC)
- Completion of memorandum of agreement with DEM for in-state deployment protections and pay
- Convened a committee of representatives from each UT-TF1 participating agency
- Finalized purchase of two new light fleet vehicles
- Purchase of new rescue equipment with State grant funds
- Awarded $150,000 Nonprofit Security grant from State of Utah to enhance security at UFA Logistics building
- Kentucky Flooding, IST deployment of two personnel July 28 – August 11
- Tropical Cyclone Fiona – Puerto Rico, IST deployment of two personnel September 17-24
- Hurricane Ian – Florida, IST deployment of five personnel September 25 – October 12
- Completed 9,668 hours of task force training in 2022
- 127 members attended FEMA US&R discipline-specific training in 2022
- Supported 1,042 member interactions in general FEMA training events in 2022
- Completed 413 hours of Water Rescue/Boat training for 76 members
- New member certifications in Logistics Specialist, Tech Search Specialist, Search & Rescue Common Operating Picture (SARCOP), Medical Specialist, Canine Search Specialist, Communications Specialist, other positions
- Completed member readiness event for all members
- Two mock deployments of MRP-W (swift water) to Moab & American Falls
- Successfully hosted FEMA-sanctioned Technical Search Specialist course in July 2022
- Deployment exercise with Utah National Guard – Camp Williams
FY23/24 Action Items
- Successful completion of FEMA Administrative Readiness Evaluation audit
- Increase number of deployable and trained task force members, goal max of 200
- Increase the number of Live Find/Human Remains capable canine teams to twelve
- Conduct multiple modular/Mission Ready Package – Water (MRP-W) deployment exercises for at least 70 members of the task force in 2022
- Exercise all phases of five Operation Readiness Exercise Evaluation Program (OREEP) mobilization modules for measurement of task force abilities and identify areas of improvement
- Continuation of Task Force Leaders (TFLs) training; specific areas of responsibility and safety within the task force to enhance program awareness of critical task force needs
- Identify additional funding sources (i.e. grants) for which UT-TF1 will qualify
- Review all current agreements and MOU’s and update as necessary
- Complete purchase of two replacement light fleet vehicles August 2022
- Further discussions with the State of Utah for a dedicated funding source (ongoing)
- Extend annual recruiting efforts among all UT-TF1 participating agencies
- Further employ UT-TF1 supervisory members into projects/roles to support task force administration efforts