Information about your Ambulance Transport Billing
For questions regarding an ambulance transport bill, including remaining balance, payment plan options, insurance information, etc.
Name | Mailing Address | Local Phone # | Toll-Free Phone # |
Ambulance Billing Office | P.O. Box 27768, SLC UT 84127 | (801) 975-4385 | 1-888-771-3606 |
To pay your ambulance bill online, click here. You will need the following information to pay online: Last Name, Zip Code, and Account Number (i.e. UF#########, 2 letters followed by 9 digits, no other characters or spaces)
About Finance
The mission of the UFA Finance Division is to safeguard the fiscal health of the organization and maintain transparency with UFA’s Board of Directors, UFA divisions, and the community at large. We value a culture of accountability and integrity. We are committed to maintaining an open-door policy and providing UFA stakeholders with timely, accurate, and relevant information in addition to excellent customer service and support.
The Finance Division is responsible for providing financial management, customer service, and analysis for Unified Fire Authority, Unified Fire Service Area, and UFA Health & Welfare Trust.
Specific responsibilities include:
- Budget development & management
- Financial reporting
- Accounts payable
- Accounts receivable & billing
- Payroll
- Cash Receipting
- Ambulance collections
- Purchasing card administration
- Financial policy administration
- Internal/external audits
- Long-term financing
- Treasury management
- Bank fraud protection
- Tax regulations
- Accounting software administration
- Capital asset inventory management
- Surplus property sale collections and tracking of property disposals
- USAR financial management oversight
- Grants coordination
- Contract administration
- Procurement/formal bidding process
- Recordkeeping for compliance officer
Division Leader
Chief Financial Officer
Tony Hill

Organizational Structure

FY22/23 Accomplishments
- Received GFOA Award for Distinguished Budget (fifth year in a row)
- No audit findings or recommendations reported for 2022 UFA, UFSA, and UFA Health & Welfare Trust audit (VEBA) financial audits
- UFSA’s Aa2 bond rating affirmed
- Issued $24,000,000 Tax Revenue Anticipate Note (TRAN) for UFSA with a 3.97% interest rate
- Issued $8.8 million master lease agreement to fund UFA capital replacement plan with a 3.651% interest rate
- Transitioned to the new purchasing card online reporting system after seven years with Commercial Card Expense Reporting
- Worked in conjunction with Fire Prevention to streamline hazmat permit renewal invoice process
- Continued to convert more vendors from check to electronic payment methods
- Work with various stakeholders to investigate potential payroll/HR software solutions including creation of a backup plan
- Coordinate with UFA divisions and its billing agent to implement data collection processes and compile data for Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System
- Created modifications to payroll software to accommodate changes to policies throughout fiscal year
- Met all payroll reporting and tax filing deadlines
- Updated Finance policies, including Purchasing of Services, Supplies, and Equipment; Payroll; Authorization and Processing of Certain Payments; Ambulance Service Collections
- Successful bid completion of sixteen Fleet Preventative Maintenance, Repairs, Parts and Services contracts for UFA vehicles
- Collaborated with various stakeholders to award Fitness Standard Testing; Pre-employment Psychological Evaluations; Payroll, Scheduling and Timekeeping Management, and HR System Solution; and Ambulance Collection Services
- Continued to improve procurement process, RFP evaluation, and refine contractual language
FY23/24 Action Items
- Ensure timely payments on all current debt payments by December 2023
- Review audit findings and recommendations for UFA, UFSA, and UFA Health & Welfare Trust and develop a corrective plan by June 2024
- Review division budget proposals for action items and the related costs/benefits, performance measures, and outcomes in comparison to the Strategic Plan by April 2024
- Compile and submit UFA budget document by September 2023 in an effort to achieve the GFOA Award for Distinguished Budget
- Work with divisions to update capital replacement plan by April 2024
- Work with Chief Legal Officer, Policy Analyst, and UFA divisions to rewrite Finance policies, such as Pcard and Surplus by June 2024
- Streamline budget preparation process and transition UFA budget book into digital friendly format by September 2023
- Implement new payroll/staffing/HR software system by January 2024
- Submit FY22/23 Medicare data collection reporting by November 2023
- Transition Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipting records to electronic versus hard copy by June 2024; coordinate with IT with regard to necessary infrastructure
- Engage in 2024 Truth-in-Taxation process for UFSA by June 2024
- Review options for use of remaining UFSA bond proceeds from station construction projects
- Close-out UFSA PDM seismic construction grant by June 2024