Camp Williams
About Camp Williams
The Camp Williams Fire Program provides professional, efficient and qualified wildland fire management to the Camp Williams Military Installation. This provides on Base fire response throughout the duration of Utah’s wildland fire season. The Camp Williams resources also provide initial attack suppression to fires that occur in UFA Communities that have the potential of impacting the Base. They also participate in community education and wildland fire mitigation work on the Base.
The Camp Williams Fire Program provides the following services:
- Wildland fire initial & extended attack for Camp Williams and surrounding UFA communities through staffing of a task force of wildland engines for fire response
- Wildland fire mitigation services in areas with an increased risk of wildfire
- Wildland fire educational outreach programs
- Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan (CWPP) development for Camp Williams and surrounding areas
- Wildland fire training for the Utah National Guard and UFA Operations resources
- Qualified and experienced Incident Commanders and overhead personnel for local wildfire incidents
- Specialized wildland fire management consultation for Camp Williams Military Installation and the UFA jurisdiction
Division Leader
Wildland Division Chief
Anthony Widdison

Organizational Structure

* Wildland utilizes personnel from Emergency Operations from April-October each year. These personnel are on loan from Operations and work under the title of Wildland Specialist. They fill leadership positions on the engines, fuels crew, and with Camp Williams. All costs (salary, overtime, and benefits) are covered by Wildland Fund budget for the time they are assigned to the position. Their absence from Operations does require overtime shifts to cover their shifts.
FY21/22 Action Items
- Work with the Utah National Guard to train 30 firefighting personnel to assist in fire suppression on Camp Williams by July 2021
- Complete State Certification for Camp Williams personnel to the Wildland Firefighter II level by the beginning of the 2021 fire season and implement the Wildland Professional Development plan for all employees
- Limit the amount of time the Camp Williams Crew is off Base completing project work and initial attack in areas that do not impact the base