Honor Guard and Pipes and Drum Corp
About Honor Guard
Salt Lake County Fire Department formally organized its Honor Guard on December 3, 2003 when Retired Firefighter/Engineer Grant Palmer passed away. Members of the fire department organized to perform funeral services for him and his family. From that time, as the department has grown, our Honor Guard has been utilized in many capacities. The primary focus of UFA’s Honor Guard is to serve members of UFA, Salt Lake County Fire Department and their families. Not only do members participate in local memorial services, they have served and continue to serve at many memorials and countless UFA specific and community events.
About Pipes and Drums
In 2009, the Honor Guard branched out and formed Unified Fire Authority’s Pipes and Drums. Pipes and Drums consist of a group of firefighters that specialize in traditional Scottish bag pipe music. The tradition of bagpipes played at fire department and police department funerals in the United States goes back over 150 years. Also in 2009, we began sending members of the Honor Guard and Pipes and Drums to national events. Members have attended the National Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial in Emmitsburg, Maryland as well as the IAFF Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial in Colorado Springs, Colorado. These memorials are an opportunity for firefighters from across the nation and Canada to pay their respects to firefighters that have died in service.

Honor Guard Commander
Jared Wayman
Pipe & Drum Band Manager
Craig Ellingson