Emergency Coordination Center
The Salt Lake County Division of Emergency Management serves our citizens by directing and coordinating resources for disasters and emergencies through preparation, planning, mitigation, response, and recovery. The Salt Lake County Emergency Coordination Center is activated and manned during any event—from small-scale to large-scale occurrences—to disasters both natural and man-made that can, or have exceeded the resources of any particular jurisdiction. Currently, the Salt Lake County ECC assists and obtains resources for the 22 jurisdictions located within the Salt Lake Valley. Salt Lake County EM assists these jurisdictions through the activation of 15 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) filled by employees from a multitude of backgrounds. The ESF employees have authority throughout Salt Lake County to fill and order additional support for the operations occurring in the field until the impacted jurisdiction can return to their normal operations and functions. The Emergency Management Division is committed to keeping the public safe through community outreach, training, dissemination of important public information, training of staff and the creation of a more resilient community through mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery. The ECC has been activated for several events such as Child Abduction Response Team (CART) Deployments, wildland fires such as the Rosecrest and Machine Gun fires, flooding, hurricanes, Line of Duty Deaths (LODD), and many other events.
Emergency Coordination Center Website: https://saltlakecountyem.gov